Cheap Hotel terrible design

Why an Airbnb is better than a Cheap Hotel

When traveling sometimes people search out a cheap hotel. We have studied the Airbnb Minneapolis Market for 13 years and found one rule to be unbroken over all the years:

A Cheap Hotel in Minneapolis is ALWAYS worse than a comparably priced Airbnb.

We expect this is true in other Airbnb markets outside of Minneapolis as well. Let’s explore some comparisons and then the reasons why. If you already know it is true and don’t need all the proof, then just book 300 Clifton Mansion Airbnb Here.

Cheap Downtown HotelTerrible Cheap Hotel Downtown

It is embarrassing the desk they put in this room. It looks like it was left behind in a college dorm. This is tiny,poorly decorated and ranks badly on reviews.  Worst of all it is in a bad part of town. Not close to much of anything

Almost as cheap hotelNicer Inside, Worse Outside

This cheap hotel in Minneapolis is not as bad inside, but don’t go outside. It couldn’t be in a worse part of town in Downtown Minneapolis. Make sure you read the reviews.

Airbnb Studio apartment cheap hotelWait! $91??

On Airbnb you can stay in this whole studio apartment with a full kitchen, refrigerator, and more space than a hotel room for less! Wonderful, safe part of town and no hassles checking in.

Cheap Hotel worse than an AirbnbWait! $119 ??

On Airbnb you can stay in this MANSION room for $10 more, and there are other rooms in the mansion for even less. This property is so unbelievable with a hot tub, tourist trolley, movie room and huge gardens. CLICK HERE for their website. All the Airbnb rooms are listed.

Hostoric mansion instead of a cheap hotelReasons to Stay at an Airbnb instead of a cheap hotel:

  • Airbnbs are scrutinized in reviews by every user
  • There are far more Airbnbs to choose from than Cheap Hotels
  • You can stay with a Superhost who has an established great reputation
  • Airbnbs don’t waste money like corporate hotels and those savings are passed on to you
  • You can ask questions directly to the owner or manager
  • LOOK at the ROOMS in this Mansion

Cheap Hotel terrible designReasons Cheap Hotels are not worth it:

  • Look at the design of this cheap hotel.  This is a professionally done picture of this hotel looking its best.
  • The colors are terrible and not restful.
  • The room is dinky and clearly meant for one person
  • There is no comfortable chair in the room
  • The desk looks like it is out of a cafeteria
  • Cheap hotels are impersonal and corporate
  • Most of the time cheap hotels are in bad parts of town or out of town

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